My husband and his friends play bowling the day after Thanksgiving for the past 15+ years. Last year, we made a onesie for LJL that said "My First Turkey Bowl". It was cute since he was only 3 months old. Well this year we needed to come up with something better...his very own turkey costume! We found a few options for buying a turkey costume online but they seemed rather expensive. My mom, the great crafter she is, decided we could make our own. After a few conversations of planning, digging through L's clothes to find items we could use, and a trip to JoAnn Fabrics, we had all the supplies and started our adventure. The hardest part was trying to get a 15 month to sit still for measurements and fittings...
It took a few evenings and a Saturday afternoon but we completed it without another trip to the craft store. I'm pretty proud of my little turkey :)